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How to record a Zoom presentation so the recording file is accessible locally on your computer.
Workflow for recording curriculum in Zoom and transferring the recordings to Mediasite.
Decision tree for which software service to record content with.
How to retrieve recording files made using the programs Camtasia or TechSmith Relay.
How to load personal recordings not made through Mediasite to the My Mediasite portal.
How any WesternU user can edit their own Mediasite recordings.
When recording on Zoom, always make sure to record to the cloud. If you record locally, it will only be saved to your computer. We highly recommend this that way nothing that is recorded will be lost.
Occasionally, there will be two patient records in Epic for the same person.  These are automatically flagged by Epic and moved into a "Potential Duplicates" workqueue.  Some of these duplicate patient pairs are, in fact, separate persons (for example, twins that have the same birth date and last name).  This article will direct you on how to verify that a flagged patient pair is in fact a duplicate, and, once verified, how to properly merge the records.
How to download and use the Mediasite Desktop Recorder as well as how to access recordings in the user portal. Any user with a WesternU email is able to download and use this software on their personal desktop or laptop.
How to enable a user setting in Zoom to allow integration imports to create downloadable content in Mediasite. This solution is an interim fix for downloadable content errors in Mediasite.
For faculty and staff users utilizing Mediasite Desktop Recorder- how to post presentations into a shared folder so that they might be moved to the correct area for user access.
How to download an mp4 version of a presentation from your My Mediasite portal.
For staff with Mediasite Scheduler access- how to complete simple presentation edits using the built-in Mediasite editor.