My Recently Visited Services
If you have any questions about your Time-off Request (existing, planned, or considered), use this form. Do NOT use this form to request time off! Use the TOR form on SharePoint for that purpose.
Elentra is a cloud-based integrated teaching and learning platform that is utilized by a number of colleges on campus.
For individuals requesting remote access to the Epic (EMR) System. Note: You must have completed the required HIPAA Training ( to be granted access to Epic and/or the Remote Portal.
For questions about curriculum, assessments, or grades. (Note: This service is not for Time Off Requests. Please see that service below.)
For Student, Employee, and External User (non-WesternU) EHR Account Requests (new account, password reset, account unlock, etc).
To request a billing, clinical, or security-related report.
Please use this form for up to five external applications (VSAS/VSLO/Clinician Nexus) that you need released. If your application requires documents to be uploaded by your HOME institution, please indicate that for each application.(Clinical Rotations-COMP)
Report an IT incident. An incident is considered an unplanned interruption to an IT service or reduction in the quality of an IT service.
Questions regarding the student curriculum schedule or specific lectures
Please use this form if you have any personal concerns that you would like the Clinical Education management on the Pomona or Lebanon campus to review.(Clinical Rotations-COMP)
Process for appealing late fees assessed during a specific term.
Please use this form to request COMP Scheduled rotation sites or preceptors.(Clinical Rotations-COMP)
For questions about time-off policy, documentation, the TOR in general, or anything else related to time-off requests. Do NOT use this form to request time off. Use the TOR on SharePoint for that purpose.
Please use this form to request or submit documents to or from our office.(Clinical Rotations-COMP)
Please use this form to submit a COMP Scheduled site or preceptor rotation request.(Clinical Rotations-COMP)