Questions about leave of absence and time-off requests (TORs)

Services (5)

Cancel TOR

Click here to cancel an existing TOR.

Leave of Absence

If you are considering a leave of absence, or have questions about your current LOA, use this form to schedule a meeting with Dr. Park.

Question about TORs

For questions about time-off policy, documentation, the TOR in general, or anything else related to time-off requests. Do NOT use this form to request time off. Use the TOR on SharePoint for that purpose.

Submit LOA Return documentation

You can upload medical clearance letters, intent to return, or other required LOA Return documentation, by using this form.

There's A Problem With My TOR!

If you have any questions about your Time-off Request (existing, planned, or considered), use this form. Do NOT use this form to request time off! Use the TOR form on SharePoint for that purpose.