How To Create a Voice Over in PowerPoint

Record your voice over a PowerPoint presentation anytime you need to have the presentation available online for viewing

  • Ensure you have a quality microphone and a quiet space for recording
    • NOTE:  Be sure to record from the computer where you are.  If you attempt to record while remotely connected to your on campus computer, the audio will not register.
  • Create your PowerPoint in its entirety
  • Once completed and saved, you may rehearse your presentation by selecting the Slide Show tab, then selecting "Rehearse Timings"
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  • When ready to record, select the Slide Show tab, then “Record Slide Show”
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  • You may now record your voice over, and you will have access to your notes, record and playback options, you may include video of yourself speaking, and use the highlighter or pen feature as you speak
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Wed 3/4/20 3:58 PM
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