Getting Started with Epic: Provider Schedule-Change the Provider for an Appointment


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  • If a provider sees a patient who is scheduled with another provider or resource, change the "encounter provider" accordingly before closing the encounter.
    • For example, a provider might see a patient scheduled to another provider’s schedule or if the patient is on a Walk-in or resource schedule. (i.e. Nurse only or Lab Draw Schedule)
    • Listing the correct encounter provider is important for billing purposes, and so that the appropriate person is listed as responsible for documentation and follow-up related to the encounter.
  • When the patient arrives, the staff member will claim the patient by using the Change Provider button.
Step-by-Step Instructions

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Change the Provider Directly from the Schedule

1. Open the schedule of the provider the patient was scheduled to see.

2. Select the patient.

3. On the toolbar click Change Prov button.

4. Change Provider window opens.

5. In the New provider field enter provider’s name.

6. Click Accept.

7. The patient will now appear on the provider’s schedule and will be removed from the previous provider’s schedule.

  • If the encounter is not associated to a provider, when the user tries to sign the encounter the Change Provider window will open requiring an appropriate provider.

Change the Generic Appointment Provider Directly from Sign Visit

1. Open an encounter for a patient checked in on generic resource, i.e. Nurse Triage.

2. Document a Chief Complaint and navigate to the Sign Encounter activity from the bottom-right sidebar.

3. Click the red hyperlink to change the encounter provider to the actual provider.

4. Select the appropriate provider (the user appears as a speed button) and click Accept.

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Article ID: 157088
Mon 2/12/24 4:13 PM
Wed 6/5/24 10:35 AM

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This article provides an overview of key clinical areas within the Epic application. This is intended as a starting place for newly hired clinical/support staff. Please refer to your clinical leadership for workflows specific to your center.