Getting Started with Epic: Visit Diagnosis

Visit Diagnosis

Record a Visit Diagnosis from the Visit Taskbar

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In Visit Taskbar, the Add DX function allows users to add visit diagnosis to the current encounter at any point during the visit. The Add DX button opens a window on the Visit Taskbar that closely matches the appearance of the Visit Diagnoses navigator section, including the current visit diagnosis list along with the user's diagnosis speed buttons.

From an open Encounter:

1. From the Visit Taskbar click Add DX.


For quick navigation, use CTRL+G to open the Visit Diagnosis task. Use CTRL+Shift+G to go to the navigator section.


2. From the Visit Diagnoses window, select the drop down on CommonPrevious, or Problems that are appropriate.

a. If the end user prefers to click buttons for the diagnosis, click Expand menu to buttons.

3. If no quick button exists, search is also available from the Visit Taskbar.

4. Choose the appropriate code and click Accept.

5. Once the Visit Diagnoses have been selected, they will display in a list.

a. Click and drag to reorder the diagnoses list, or use the up and down arrows.

b. The diamond should be to the left of the primary diagnosis. It can be moved by clicking in the blank space to the left of the diagnosis.

c. Select the pin to mark the diagnosis chronic.

d. Click the pencil to edit the diagnosis.

e. Click to add the diagnosis to the Problem List.

f. Click the trash can to remove the diagnosis code.

g. Select the triangle to change that diagnosis code.

6. The Visit Diagnosis Common quick button allows multiple visit diagnoses to be added at one time by using a generic condition the number of times needed for a specific diagnosis. For example, diabetes often has multiple complications addressed in one visit, generic diabetes button is used to record several specific diagnoses.

7. Select Edit Common DX List to reorder or change Common Diagnoses Settings. 


Record a Visit Diagnosis from the Problem List

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Recording the visit diagnoses while reviewing the Problem List can increase efficiency. 

1. Click the plus to add diagnosis from the Problem List to today’s visit.

2. Hover and click to the left of the diagnosis name to select the pin to mark as Chronic.

3. Notes about the diagnosis can be left by selecting Create Notes.

Diagnosis Calculator

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When more information is required to generate a billable ICD-10 diagnosis code, the Diagnosis Calculator prompts you for the necessary information and shows a list of choices to arrive at the more specific diagnosis. For example, you might enter a diagnosis of "broken nose" in the Visit Diagnoses section, but to select the appropriate ICD-10 code, you need healing and encounter information as well. The Diagnosis Calculator appears only when certain administrative information is required.

The Diagnosis Calculator has two tabs to help choose a billable diagnosis:

1. The Calculator tab, click the buttons to specify additional details about the diagnosis. Click Accept to add the matching diagnosis to the visit.

2. On the List tab, review the list of matching diagnoses and select the correct diagnosis to add.  

Add a Diagnosis to the Preference List

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Find common diagnoses more quickly by adding them to the preference list.

1. Right-click on a diagnosis and select Add to Routine Dx preference list or select Add to Common Dx preference list.

2. Choose the appropriate preference list section in the Section field.

3. Click Accept.

Select Diagnosis from the Preference List

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From the Plan activity:

1. Select the Visit Diagnosis section.

2. Click the Add button.

3. Click on a Preference Lists section.

4. Select the appropriate diagnosis.

System Diagnosis Preference Lists Keep list alphabetized checkbox controls the sorting of section titles.

Note: This behavior does not affect user-defined preference lists, as those are always sorted alphabetically and are not controlled by these settings.

5. Click  Accept.


Fuzzy Diagnosis Matching Enabled

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Epic has enabled fuzzy matching for diagnosis-related searches. This means that if a user incorrectly spells a diagnosis – such as "depression" instead of depression – the system may still find what the user was searching for.

This fuzzy diagnosis matching is available in several diagnosis related fields, such as:

  • Problem List
  • Visit Diagnosis
  • History
  • Diagnosis Preference List
  • Referral Module


From an encounter:

1. Navigate to the Problem List section of the Plan activity.

2. Type “insomnia” in the search field and click Add.

3. The system still returns insomnia related diagnoses despite the incorrect spelling.

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Article ID: 155957
Fri 12/8/23 4:39 PM
Wed 6/5/24 10:34 AM

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This article provides an overview of key clinical areas within the Epic application. This is intended as a starting place for newly hired Providers. Please refer to your clinical leadership for workflows specific to your center.