How to Install Mediasite Mosaic for Windows Computers


  • How do I record the Mediasite Mosaic personal recording software for Windows computers?


  1. Navigate to the WesternU Microsoft store to download the recording app.
  2. Once downloaded, navigate to the My Mediasite personal recordings portal.
  3. Click the white "+Add Presentation" button toward the top right-hand corner of the home page.
  4. Click the "More Information" button under "Capturing Video Requires and App"
  5. Click the green "Register" button under the 2nd step for "Install and Register"
  6. If prompted, allow your browser to open the Mediasite Mosaic app.
  7. You will know you are properly registered if the Mediasite recorder window displays your username in the top right-hand corner.
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Article ID: 142336
Mon 3/28/22 10:11 PM
Fri 6/10/22 5:49 PM

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