Accessing Folders and Files in OneDrive


This article explains how to access your file folder library from OneDrive within the WesternU Office 365 portal. The article explains how to select a file folder in order to make changes to it. The article also helps you understand how to open a folder in order to select a specific file to access.



  • How do I access a file folder in OneDrive?


  1. Navigate to WesternU's Office 365 portal using: Inserting image...
  2. Enter your WesternU email address (i.e. and password
  3. Select Sign-In
  4. Once you have entered the WesternU Office 365 portal, click the OneDrive icon Inserting image...
  5. This will open your OneDrive file library
  6. To select a folder, select the circle icon within the left column of the list (i.e. Test Folder) Inserting image...
  7. With the folder selected, you can use the vertical ellipsis icon Inserting image... to make necessary changes to the folder
    1. These possible changes include: Inserting image...
  8. If you would prefer to just open the folder, then hover your mouse over the name of the folder and left mouse click
    1. This will grant you access to a list containing the sub-folders and/or files that are within the chosen folder

Additional Information

  • If you need to return to the homepage of WesternU's Office 365 portal, click the applications icon on the top left of your screen 
  • Then select the Office 365 link 
    • Question

  • How do I access a specific file from a OneDrive file folder?
  • Step-by-step


  1. Follow the above steps to access your chosen OneDrive file folder
  2. Once the correct folder is accessed, click the circle icon within the left-hand panel to select the specific file Inserting image...
    • Please Note: this action does not open the file
  3. With the circle icon selected, you can now select the vertical ellipsis to make necessary changes to the file 
    1. Your options from this list include: Inserting image...
  4. If instead you prefer to open the file, hover your mouse over the name and left mouse click
    1. This action will open your file
  • Additional Information

  • For more information on accessing WesternU's Office 365 portal, please visit the Knowledge Based articles listed under the SharePoint & Office 365 category.



Article ID: 72458
Thu 2/21/19 5:15 PM
Mon 4/8/24 2:49 PM

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