Getting Started with Epic: SOGI


Clinical/support staff tips for entering patient SOGI information.



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  • The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) SmartForm is used to capture patient’s sexual orientation, gender identity, and preferred pronoun.

  • Collecting SOGI data is essential to providing high-quality, patient centered care for gender and sexual minorities.

  • The SmartForm is available in Registration as well as in the Rooming activity.

  • SOGI helps to:

    • Improve LGBT patient satisfaction and engagement
    • Improve health outcomes for LGBT patients, especially transgender patients
    • Help clinical staff make accurate decisions about patient care
    • Conduct further research to improve future care of LGBT patients
SOGI Smartform in Rooming Activity

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  • From the Rooming activity tab:

1. Click on the SOGI section header to open the section.

2. On the SOGI Smartform use the speed buttons to make the patients preferences.


3. The Organ Inventory SmartForm of the SOGI section uses a Yes/No response to indicate the organs a patient has and a comment may be recorded for each organ attached to the following questions:

  • Organs the patient currently has
  • Organs present at birth or are expected at birth to develop
  • Organs surgically enhanced or constructed
  • Organs hormonally enhanced or developed

4. Click Close to save.

  • Once the SmartForm is closed, the Rooming activity tab will display the selection summary.

SOGI in the Patient Storyboard

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1. The preferred pronoun will appear in under the patient’s name in the Storyboard.

2. Users can hover to see additional information.

3. Clicking the hyperlink will launch the SOGI Activity.

SOGI in Chart Review

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  • SOGI selections can be viewed in the Chart Review activity from which the information was entered.

1. Click on the Enc tab.

2. Click on the encounter the SOGI form was completed.

3. From the viewing pane, click on OCHIN SEXUALITY AND GENDER IDENTITY hyperlink.

4. SOGI selections are displayed.

SOGI in Registration

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  • If a patient’s legal sex is marked “Don’t Know” then the sex-based filters behave the same way they do for transgender or intersex patients.
  • From a patient’s Registration:

1. Click the SOGI section on the registration navigator.

2. Click the SOGI hyperlink.

3. Users can now update a patient’s Sexuality and Gender Identity.

4. Click Accept.



Article ID: 157355
Thu 2/22/24 7:54 PM
Wed 6/5/24 1:34 PM

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This article provides an overview of key clinical areas within the Epic application. This is intended as a starting place for newly hired clinical/support staff. Please refer to your clinical leadership for workflows specific to your center.