Scheduling Zoom Meeting



Zoom offers multiple methods to schedule a meeting. A host has control over the options for their scheduled meetings except for settings that an administrator has locked for all users in the account or for all members of a specific group.

Scheduling a Meeting from the Zoom Client

  1. Open your Zoom client and sign in to Zoom.
  2. Click on the Schedule icon.

    This will open the scheduler window.
  3. Select your meeting settings. Note that some of these options might not be available if they were disabled and locked to the off position at the account or group level.
    • Topic: Enter a topic or name for your meeting.
    • Start: Select a date and time for your meeting. You can start your meeting at any time before the scheduled time.
    • Duration: Choose the approximate duration of the meeting. This is only for scheduling purposes. The meeting will not end after this length of time.
    • Time Zone: By default, Zoom will use your computer's time zone. Click the drop-down menu to select a different time zone.
    • Recurring meeting: Choose if you would like a recurring meeting (the meeting ID will remain the same for each session).
    • Video
      • Host: Choose if you would like the host video on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the host will have the option to start their video.
      • Participant: Choose if you would like the participants' videos on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you turn off, the participants will have the option to start their video.
    • Audio: Choose whether to allow users to call in via Telephone only, Computer Audio only, Both, or 3rd Party Audio (if enabled for your account).
    • Advanced Options: Click on the arrow to view additional meeting options.
      • Require meeting password: You can select and input your meeting password here. Joining participants will be required to input this before joining your scheduled meeting.
        Note: The meeting password must meet these requirements.
        • 10 characters maximum
        • Passwords are case sensitive
        • We recommend using alphanumeric characters and these special characters:  @ * _ -
        • The Zoom desktop client allows alphanumeric characters and these special characters: @ * _ -
        • The Zoom web portal allows any characters, but the these characters are not allowed: & <> \
      • Enable join before host: Allow participants to join the meeting without you or before you join. The meeting will end after 40-minutes for Basic (free) users if 3 or more people join the meeting.
      • Mute participants on entry: If join before host is not enabled, this will mute participants as they join the meeting. Participants can unmute themselves after joining the meeting. 
        Note: To mute all participants currently in a meeting, see the options to manage participants.
      • Use Personal Meeting ID: Check this if you want to use your Personal Meeting ID. If not selected, a random unique meeting ID will be generated.
      • Record the meeting automatically: Check this if you want the meeting to be automatically recorded. Select if you want it to be recorded locally (to your computer) or to the cloud (
      • List on Public Event List: Post the meeting on the public meeting/webinar list so that anyone can view it. We recommend you add a meeting password to secure your meeting.
      • Schedule For: If you have scheduling privilege for another user, you will be able to choose who you want to schedule for from the drop-down menu.
      • Alternative hosts: Enter the email address of another Zoom user who is Licensed, on your account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence. Read more about Alternative Host.
    • Calendar: Select a calendar service to add the meeting to and send out invites to participants.
  4. Click Schedule to finish, and open the selected calendar service to add the meeting.
    • If you are scheduling a recurring meeting, you will need to set the recurrence in your calendar service.
    • Choosing Other Calendars will allow you to copy and paste the scheduled meeting information such as date, time, and meeting URL.

Scheduling a Meeting from the Zoom Web Portal

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Meetings, and click Schedule A New Meeting.
  3. Select the meeting options.  Note that some of these options might not be available if they were disabled and locked to the off position at the account or group level.
    • Topic: Enter a topic or name for your meeting.
    • Description: Enter in an option meeting description.
    • When: Select a date and time for your meeting. You can manually enter any time and press enter to select it. 
    • Duration: Choose the approximate duration of the meeting. This is only for scheduling purposes. The meeting will not end after this length of time.
    • Time Zone: By default, Zoom will use the time zone set in your profile. Click the drop-down menu to select a different time zone.
    • Recurring meeting: Check if you would like a recurring meeting (the meeting ID will remain the same for each session). This will open up additional recurrence options.
      • Recurrence: Select how often you need the meeting to recur: DailyWeeklyMonthly, or No Fixed Time. It can recur up to 50 times. If you need more than 50 recurrences, use the No Fixed Time option.
      • The other recurrence options will depend on how often the meeting recurs. You can configure the meeting to end after a set amount of occurrences or have the recurring meeting end on a specific date.
    • List this Meeting in Public Event List: If your account has the Public Event List enabled, check this option to include this meeting in the list.
    • Registration: Check this option if your meeting will require registration. Instead of a join link for your participants, you will be provided a registration link. If registration is required and the meeting is reoccurring, choose one of these options:
      • Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences: Registrants can attend all of the occurrences. All dates and times of the meeting will be listed and the registrant will be registered for all occurrences.
      • Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend: Registrants need to register separately for each occurrence to attend. They can only choose one date and time on the registrant page.
      • Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend: Registrants register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend. They will need to select which dates and times they would like to attend and they will only be registered for those occurrences. They can choose multiple options.
    • Host Video: Choose if you would like the host video on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the host will have the option to start their video.
    • Participant Video: Choose if you would like the participants' videos on or off when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the participants will have the option to start their video.
    • Audio Options: Choose whether to allow users to join using Telephone only, Computer Audio only, Telephone and Computer Audio (both), or 3rd Party Audio (if enabled for your account).
    • Dial in From: If Telephone or Telephone and Computer Audio is enabled for this meeting, click Edit to select the dial-in countries that you would like included in the invitation. By default, this includes your Global Dial-In Countries listed in My Meeting Settings.
    • Require meeting password: You can select and input your meeting password here. Joining participants will be required to input this before joining your scheduled meeting.
      Note: The meeting password must meet these requirements.
      • 10 characters maximum
      • Passwords are case sensitive
      • We recommend using alphanumeric characters and these special characters:  @ * _ -
      • The Zoom desktop client allows alphanumeric characters and these special characters: @ * _ -
      • The Zoom web portal allows any characters, but the these characters are not allowed: & <> \
    • Enable join before host: Allow participants to join the meeting without you or before you join. The meeting will end after 40-minutes for Basic (free) users if 3 or more people join the meeting.
    • Mute participants on entry: If join before host is not enabled, this will mute participants as they join the meeting. Participants can unmute themselves after joining the meeting. 
      Note: To mute all participants currently in a meeting, see the options to manage participants.
    • Use Personal Meeting ID: Check this if you want to use your Personal Meeting ID. If not selected, a random unique meeting ID will be generated.
    • Enable waiting room: Allows the host to control when participants join the meeting by placing them in a waiting room.
    • Only signed-in users can join this meeting: Restrict access to the meeting so that only signed-in using can join.
    • Default to HD Video: If you enable this option, the participant view will always default to HD video automatically (if the feature is available in the Account Settings).
    • Record the meeting automatically: Check this if you want the meeting to be automatically recorded. Select if you want it to be recorded locally (to your computer) or to the cloud (
    • Schedule For: If you have scheduling privilege for another user, you will be able to choose who you want to schedule for from the drop down.
    • Alternative Hosts: Enter the email address of another Zoom user who is Licensed, on your account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence. 
  4. Click Save to finish.

Once finished, you can either select a calendar option to add the scheduled meeting to your calendar or select Copy The Invitation to send out the invitation to your Zoom meeting.

Copy the Invitation will open up a window where you can copy the full invitation to send out via email.




Article ID: 105870
Tue 4/21/20 5:10 PM
Wed 2/23/22 1:10 PM

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