How-to Create a Letter Generation Template


Letter Generation Template Guide



Letter Generation allows you to extract data from Banner based on a given population, merge extracted data with text, print the results, and maintain a log of printed letters.

The forms below are used as part of the process to generate a letter for a particular population in Banner. The letter is produced by combining Banner data generated from the results of a Population Selection or a Communication Plan rule and merging it with the letter generation template.


Letter Generation Template Set Up

1. GTVLETR (Letter Code Validation)

This validation form is used to define codes that identify the letters you can generate in Banner. Letter codes are limited to 15 characters.

  1. Select Insert to add a Letter Code.



















2. GTVPARA (Paragraph Code Validation)

This validation form is used to define codes that identify the paragraphs used in Banner letters. Paragraph codes can be assigned to letters on the Letter Process Form (GUALETR).

Paragraph codes are limited to seven characters and its description is limited to 30 characters. The Comment field is limited to 240 characters.

  1. Select Insert to add a Paragraph Code.










3. GUAPARA (Paragraph Process)

This process is used to build a paragraph that can be inserted in letters on the Letter Process Form (GUALETR). A paragraph can include text, variables, and formatting commands. Record lines are limited to 60 characters.                  

  1. Select a Paragraph Code from the List of Values.










  1.  Define the paragraph by entering one record per line and save.









4. GUALETR (Letter Process)

This validation form is used to build a letter from paragraphs created on the Paragraph Process (GUAPARA).

  1. Select Letter Code from the List of Values.










  1. Select the Paragraph Code(s) and number its sequence. Continue to build your letter. When finished click Save.

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Article ID: 72474
Thu 2/21/19 4:44 PM
Tue 4/9/24 9:10 AM