With the increased use of laptops and docking stations at WesternU, there are some potential issues that customers might encounter.
Right click on an empty part of your desktop and click on "Display Settings"
Scroll to the Bottom of the window that pops up, and underneath where it says "Multiple Displays" click on the drop-down, and select either "Extend these Displays" or "Duplicate these Displays"
If you selected to duplicate your displays, you are now done. If you are choosing to extend your displays scroll back to the top of the window, and click "Identify". Take note of what numbers appear on what monitors. The numbers that appear correlate to the numbered boxes at the top of the screen.
To change which monitor is on what side, click and drag the numbered boxes around until is matches your desired setup.
To make a monitor your "Main Display" select the numbered box that correlates to the display you are wanting to use, and scroll to the bottom and check "Make this my main display"
Review 6/01/2023