Registration Late Fee Appeal


  • Students who were assessed late registration for a specific term may appeal those charges via the late fee appeal process. 


  • Registration is an important function, especially for graduate and professional students. Not only does it inform the University that a student plans to return for the upcoming semester, it also sets in motion the receipt and disbursement of any financial aid the student may be receiving and ensures the student is covered by the University’s liability insurance. This is important to the institution, but is more crucial for students, which is why the University established a late registration fee of $30.00 per business day.
  • Students who are assessed late fees for a registration period may submit an appeal to the University Registrar. The appeal should include the reason the student was unable to meet the registration deadline for their class/year. All appeals must be received no later than 10 business days after the first day of classes for your program/year for the term in question. 

Additional Information

  • Students who have submitted appeals for previous terms may not be eligible for subsequent appeals.
Late Fee Appeal


Service ID: 34608
Wed 3/27/19 3:53 PM
Wed 4/29/20 10:31 AM