HEC Classroom D - A/V Training


Audio/Visual information and training for HEC Classroom D


Touch Panel

To use the AV in the room, you will need to turn on the AV system via the touch panel installed into the lectern tabletop. Tap on the screen to awaken the touch panel and the WesternU logo will appear with the location name, HEC Classroom D, shown. Tap on the screen once again to bring up the Passcode prompt window. Input the passcode/access code of ‘309’ and then tap ‘Enter’ to proceed. The WesternU logo screen will now display Touch To Start, so go ahead and tap the screen to begin. The system will begin powering on and the two projections screens in front of the classroom will drop down and the two confidence monitors in the back wall will power on with all four displays displaying the Main PC as the source.

The touch panel screen will now give you access to controlling the sources and display destinations. The controls are divided to two separate features: System and Presentation. 


Under the System section, you have the following selections:

  1. Present Source: For the user to control what source is displayed on which projector
  2. Confidence Source: For the user to control what sources to display on which confidence monitor
  3. Projector Control: For the user to power on/off and to mute on/off the images on the projectors and raise/lower projection screens, and the projector lamp hours are tabulated for monitoring lamp life
  4. Displays: For the user to power on/off each of the confidence monitors
  5. Camera: For the user to configure and adjust the 4 cameras in the room
  6. Media Site & Zoom Config:  DO NOT USE
  7. Lighting Control: For the users to control the lighting in the room
  8. Volume: For the users to control the volume to the microphones and to the devices
  9. System Off: For the user to shut down the AV system


The following are the available sources for the room under both the Present Source and the Confidence Source sections:

  1. PC Main: Left PC
  2. PC Secondary: Right PC
  3. Lectern Laptop: Use the HDM port in the lectern cubby to connect
  4. Document Camera: HoverCam document camera stored in the drawer on the right side of the lectern
  5. AirMedia: User must be connected to WesternU wifi and using AirMedia 2 app to connect
  6. Cam PR1 (Right): Located on the back wall stage right
  7. Cam PR2 (Center): Located on the back wall in the center of the room
  8. Cam PR3 (Left): Located on the back wall stage left
  9. Cam AUD4 (Audience): Located on the wall in between the two projection screens

To use the HoverCam document camera, open the drawer to the right of the lectern. Extend the arm out to point the camera down towards the green mat. Power on the device and the light will turn on and video display will turn, too. Select the Document Camera source under the Presentation section to display it on the projection screens and the confidence monitors will also display the Doc-Cam source by default. On the Doc-Cam, there are several features, but we will not be going in depth for this right now. To power down the Doc-Cam, press and hold the power button until it shuts off.

To use the AirMedia feature, select AirMedia source under the Presentation section and follow the directions in the AirMedia 2 portion below.

Projector Control

Users have the following abilities under this feature:

  1. Power on/off each projector
  2. Image mute on/off the images on the projectors
    1. This will put up a black screen in order for the user to prepare their presentation on the PC or laptop
    2. Unmuting will return the display back to the original source selected
  3. Raise/lower each projection screen
  4. Projector lamp hours are tabulated and displayed for monitoring lamp life for each projector

Camera Control

Users have the following abilities under this feature:

  1. Camera - Select which of the four cameras to apply the following configurations
    1. Presets
      1. Used to save camera positions to easily access them with a touch of a button to avoid reconfiguring them again
      2. To save Presets, press & hold desired Preset button for 2 seconds to save
      3. Press desired Preset to select saved camera position
    2. Controls – Adjust the camera to desired position and angle
      1. Zoom
      2. Focus
      3. Tilt Speed
      4. Pan speed
      5. Directional pad to adjust position

Video Conferencing


Log into Zoom sessions as normal and prepare any files that need to be shared. Then select Zoom Mode on the touch panel controls on the Present Source screen. Zoom Video Conference control panel will come up with Zoom Conference Camera controls and Zoom Conference Presets.

You will set the camera you would like to set for your video source under the Zoom Conference Camera controls and then select one of the following Zoom Conference Presets:

  1. Content/Video
  2. Content/Content
  3. Video/Video

Simply explained, the Presets are configured according to what is displayed on the Main PC and the PC Secondary. Content is content shown on PC Main display, and Video is content shown on PC Secondary. It makes no difference what content is shown on the screen. So if you select the preset Content/Content, the Projectors and the Confidence monitors will display both displays as PC Main. If you select Content/Video, then the stage right projector will display PC Main, and the stage left projector will display PC Secondary.


Haivision is not available in HEC Classroom D

AirMedia 2

Selecting AirMedia option, the Crestron splash screen with the IP address and the Code will appear. If you do not have the Crestron AirMedia 2 app installed on your mobile device, you will need to input the IP address listed for that specific room and then it will forward you to the Crestron website to download and install the required software. The website will determine which OS you are using and will provide you with the correct software to download and install. Before you can connect successfully with AirMedia 2, your mobile device (i.e. Laptop, Cellphone, Tablet, etc.) MUST be logged into the WesternU Wi-Fi network and it must meet the minimum requirements in order for the AirMedia 2 connection to work properly.

Once the AirMedia 2 app is running, enter the same IP address displayed into the URL field at the top of the app and then click on the button, ‘Present with AirMedia’, to start the connection. A prompt with the IP address you entered will pop up and ask you for the AirMedia code, please enter the Code displayed to authenticate the connection. MAC users will need to ensure AirPlay is activated and then activate the Screen Mirror feature. Once connected, the signal from your mobile device should appear on the display. To disconnect, click on the button, ‘Disconnect from AirMedia’.

Minimum requirements for AirMedia 2 compatibility

Windows 7 or above
MacOS 10.10 or above
iOS 11 or above
Android 5 or above


  • Touch panel control: Crestron touch panel
  • Lectern Displays: 2x Dell Displays on articulated swivel arm mounts
  • Confidence Monitors: Dual confidence monitors on the back wall
  • Projectors: Dual Projectors of Panasonic RZ 770 WUXGA (PT-RZ770)
  • Microphone: ClearOne Microphones: 6x Handheld, 2x Lavalier/Lapel
    • Each wireless microphone is programmed to their individually unique frequency and channel designated by the classroom’s receiver, so no two microphone should ever share the same frequency and channel or else, the user will experience audio cutting in and out from affected microphones and they are stored in the charger
  • Aux out
    • Installed for audio out for capturing audio for AV productions
  • Video cameras: 3x NDI HX PTZ Optics
    • All three cameras are used for Zoom and the feed can be accessed via the network
  • Gyration Air Mouse GO Plus
    • It comes with a charger installed somewhere on the lectern
    • Users are heavily encouraged to use this to advance their slide presentations and to use as a pointer via the mouse cursor/pointer instead of relying on laser pointers due to lecture captures not capturing their laser pointers
  • Slide Advancer
    • Used for advancing slide presentations
  • Green screen wall
    • The entire wall in front of the room behind the projection screens is painted green for the use of green screening for AV production and other uses
  • HoverCam Document Camera
    • HoverCam will need to be folded up and the camera can be pointed several angles
    • HoverCam image can be readjusted via zoom and image flip functions

Assisted Listening

Users requiring assistive listening devices will need to use Zoom in order to receive audio through their headsets and, if needed, can also arrange to have a transcriber for the event or class by requesting for ADA assistance through CDHP, who will work with IT to secure the needed resources for the individual user

Further Assistance

If you require further assistance with Classroom D, please contact TechSupport at x5432 or Techsupport@westernu.edu.
If your event/lecture is at a later time, please include the time, date, and location of the event and assistance can be scheduled.



Article ID: 88893
Wed 10/9/19 5:24 PM
Thu 10/26/23 1:33 PM

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