Self Service Exempt Exception Time Reporting


If there are any additional questions, please contact your Supervisor or the Payroll office for further support.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the time sheet and the leave report?

The time sheet should be your first method of submitting your exception time, prior to the pay date. Because the pay period ends after the pay date, the leave report should be submitted the Monday after the pay date, only if you missed the time sheet submission date or if you have a change in your exception time after it has already been submitted and approved.

When is the time sheet due?

The time sheet is due the Monday prior to the pay date. For example, if pay period 7 has a pay date of April 6th, you will need to submit your time sheet in Self-Service by 11:00pm on Monday, April 2nd .

What if I did not take time off during the time sheet period? 

If you have not taken time off, you will simply log in, and submit your timesheet for approval with zero hours. At the top of the page you will see the message “Your time sheet was submitted successfully. No hours entered.”

What if I miss the deadline to submit my time sheet?

If you miss the deadline to submit, you will be paid default hours on the pay date. You will then need to log in the Monday after the pay date and after the pay period ends, to note any exception time you may have. This includes any changes that may have occurred after a submission.

Should I submit a time sheet and a leave report for the same period?

You should only submit both, if you have a change to report in exception time from what was submitted on a timesheet. If you submit identical entries, you will “double dip” your leave balances. Meaning, if you reported 8 hours of sick time on the time sheet, and then submit a leave report with 8 hours of sick time for the same day, you will have 16 hours of sick time deducted from your leave balance.

What does a leave report do?

A leave report does not run through payroll. Upon your Supervisor’s approval, the leave report updates your leave banks in Banner.

When I submit my time, the approver is someone who doesn’t normally sign my time sheet. How can this be corrected?

If you see someone listed other than your Supervisor, please contact Payroll. They will initiate an override which will correct your record.

What is the new sick time rule?

The new policy requires exempt employees to report sick time in excess of two (2) hours. For example, if you came to work at 8:00 am, but left for a doctor’s appointment at 10:00am and returned at 12:00pm, you will be required to note the two hour absence as sick time. If you have additional questions regarding this policy you can contact Payroll.

I’m an approver, but I do not see the option to approve.

Please contact the Payroll office, and provide the employee’s name(s) and what Org they are paid from, in order to complete set up.

I’m an approver, why do I see names on my list of employees to approve who do not report to me?

If you see names on your list of employees who have Not Started their timesheets that do not report to you, this is because they are paid out of the same Org that your employee(s) report to. Once an employee initiates their time sheet and/or leave report, they will be routed to the correct approval queue and you will no longer see them on your list. Please note, while they are on your list, their names are informational only, and not hyperlinked, so you will not have access to view their information.

Can a link be included in the notification to approve email?

No. At this time there is not an option for a direct link. The reason this is so, is because time entry and approvals require authentication. A direct link would only take users to the log in screen of Self-Service. However since links are updated/modified periodically, it would not be beneficial to include a link to the landing page in the event that the link is modified.

I went to approve my employee’s time, but saw that my approval was overridden. What does this mean?

Payroll can and will override approvals if approvers were unable to approve on time. This is so that they can initiate the payroll process and draw in time as necessary to complete payroll in a timely manner.

I have a question that wasn’t answered on this page, who should I contact?

Please report all questions to Payroll. If they feel it is a technical issue, they will forward your request to Technical Support so that it can be assessed further.




Article ID: 72472
Thu 2/21/19 7:23 PM
Mon 4/8/19 5:41 PM