Connecting to a Network Folder in macOS



How do I connect to a network folder in macOS?


1. From the desktop or with Finder selected, go to "Go" on the top menu bar and select "Connect to Server"

2. Alternatively from the desktop you can use the key combination of ⌘+K (Command+K) to open "Connect to Server)

3. Type in the location you would like to connect to. Note that you will need the full server path. If you don't know the exact path, Techsupport staff can assist in finding it.

4. You will need to put smb:// before the address. If you have the path copied from Windows, all \ (back slashes) will need to be replaced with / (forward slashes)

(this example shows how to connect to the W: drive)

5. Once you hit connect, you will be prompted for your credentials. Enter your WesternU user name and password, do not put after your username. Make sure "Registered User" is selected. Click "Connect" when finished entering credentials

6. The network location will probably open up in finder as soon as it connects. It should also be mounted on your desktop.

Additional Information

  • If you cannot access a network folder, you may not have access
  • If you know you have access but receive an error, please contact TechSupport for assistance



Article ID: 70146
Mon 1/14/19 4:29 PM
Mon 4/8/24 4:06 PM