What is iPaaS?


A breakdown of what iPaaS is


What is iPaaS?

iPaaS stands for Integration Platform as a Service. It is a cloud-based solution provided by TeamDynamix that enables organizations to integrate various applications, systems, and data sources seamlessly. iPaaS simplifies the process of connecting different technologies and enables efficient data exchange and workflow automation.

Key Features of TeamDynamix iPaaS

  1. Application Integration: TeamDynamix iPaaS allows you to connect and integrate disparate applications across your organization. Whether it's your customer relationship management (CRM) software, enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, or other business-critical applications, iPaaS provides a unified platform to streamline data flow between them.

  2. Data Synchronization: iPaaS facilitates real-time data synchronization between multiple systems. For instance, if you have a sales team that uses a CRM system and a finance team that uses an ERP system, iPaaS can ensure that customer and order information is seamlessly shared between the two systems, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors.

  3. Workflow Automation: With iPaaS, you can automate complex business processes and workflows by orchestrating the interactions between different applications. For example, you can create a workflow that automatically triggers when a new customer is added to your CRM system, and then updates the customer's information in your marketing automation platform and sends a welcome email—all without any manual intervention.

  4. Data Transformation: iPaaS allows you to transform data from one format to another to ensure compatibility between different systems. For instance, you may have data in a legacy system that needs to be transformed into a standardized format before being imported into a modern cloud-based application. iPaaS provides powerful data mapping and transformation capabilities to simplify this process.

  5. API Management: iPaaS provides comprehensive API management features, allowing you to expose APIs for your applications and manage their usage. You can create, publish, and monitor APIs, set access controls and usage policies, and track API performance and analytics. This enables seamless integration with third-party systems and fosters collaboration with external partners.

  6. Event-Based Triggers: iPaaS supports event-based triggers, which means you can define actions based on specific events or conditions. For example, you can set up an event trigger that automatically creates a support ticket when a customer submits a specific form on your website. This feature enables you to respond rapidly to critical events and improves overall operational efficiency.

Examples of TeamDynamix iPaaS in Action

  1. Salesforce and Zendesk Integration: TeamDynamix iPaaS can integrate Salesforce, a popular CRM platform, with Zendesk, a leading customer support solution. By connecting these two systems, customer data and support tickets can flow seamlessly between them. When a new customer is added in Salesforce, iPaaS can automatically create a new user and organization in Zendesk, ensuring a consistent customer experience across sales and support teams.

  2. NetSuite and ServiceNow Integration: iPaaS can connect NetSuite, a cloud-based ERP system, with ServiceNow, an IT service management platform. This integration enables efficient synchronization of customer, order, and financial data between these systems. For example, when an order is fulfilled in NetSuite, iPaaS can trigger an update in ServiceNow, automatically generating a service request for post-sales support.

  3. Workflow Automation in Higher Education: iPaaS can automate complex workflows in educational institutions. For instance, when a student completes an application form on the university's website, iPaaS can trigger a workflow that updates the student record in the student information system, sends an email notification to the admissions team, and creates a task for reviewing the application—all in real-time, reducing

WesternU Examples of TeamDynamix iPaaS in Action

  1. Ticket Routing: IT is using iPaaS to route tickets to the correct, responsible party on our general service request forms (and others). For example, if one were to use the general service request and select they are having an issue with Zoom, iPaaS sees what was selected on the ticket and would assign it to the party that handles Zoom requests.
  2. Employee Record Management: On a nightly basis, iPaaS is making sure employee records in our Microsoft systems (Active Directory, Microsoft 365 (Teams, email, etc..)) stay in sync with Banner records. Banner is higher authority for employee data on campus, we are using iPaaS to ensure the records match Banner.
  3. Apple Computer Compliance Checks: Connected with our Jamf Pro Apple MDM (Mobile Device Management), if a Mac falls out of compliance, Jamf Pro is setup to send a Webhook to iPaaS. When iPaaS receives the Webhook, a ticket is created with details about the Mac for our Technical Support team to investigate the Mac.
  4. Automated Distribution Group Management: If you have requested a group membership change located here, the entire process is automated. Validation exists to make sure the selected group is actually a group and that it actually exists. iPaaS also adds or removes group members based on the customer form input.
  5. And so much more: iPaaS is doing a lot more, currently we have 200+ flows and aaround 20,000 flow runs a month

I'm Interested in Using iPaaS for my Department, What Now?

  1. Submit a Request: A request can be submitted here. Someone from IT will reach out to you.
  2. IT Availability: Please note that the resources in IT are low to be able to assist and implmentation may take time. We recommend having someone in your department that can be training to create and maintain flows for your department.



Article ID: 152122
Wed 6/7/23 11:22 AM
Wed 6/7/23 11:27 AM