Remote and Hybrid Work Mandatory Training


Employee training for remote and hybrid work


Telecommuting Employee Training

  • This training is required for all approved remote and hybrid telecommuting employees
  • All employees that wish to telecommute permanently or part-time must:

Remote Work Best Practices

Device Recommendations

  • It is best practice for all employees to utilize a device provided by WesternU
    • University supplied computers:
      • Protected under University security protocols
      • Have required software installed
      • Include a docking station for hybrid workers, capable of supporting up to three monitors
      • Connect directly to WesternU secured cloud storage locations
    • Personal devices:
      • Must not have any confidential student, employee, or WesternU information saved to the device
        • University information must be saved only to WesternU approved networks, devices, and cloud storage; never directly to your personal device
        • You must create a separate account on your device to protect information
        • Passwords must not ever be written down or saved on your device
    • All devices require security protocol. Please review the WesternU Cybersecurity Awareness Course to ensure you are following best practices

Connecting From Home

  • Review the WesternU Telecommuting Policy for required and recommended internet speeds
  • Utilize online speed tests such as Speed Test to test your home speeds
  • Improving internet speeds at home
    • Avoid remotely connecting to computers on campus, as adding multiple connections will slow your speed
      • If you are using remote connection to access network folders (J: Drives, etc), follow these instructions to map your drives to your computer
      • If you are remotely connecting to access specific software, contact IT to find if that software can be installed on your device
    • Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to improve/upgrade your connection
    • Ensure your router and modem are up to date and working correctly
    • Consider connecting directly to your router with an Ethernet cable (example), available at most retailers and online.  This is generally the most inexpensive way to improve your connection

Remote/Hybrid Meeting Best Practices

  • Ensure you have equipment to facilitate a comfortable meeting experience.  Each employee should utilize webcams and dedicated headsets for meetings.
  • Reduce background distractions by utilizing a virtual background
  • Reduce background noise and feedback by utilizing headsets 
  • Ensure remote employees are included
    • Enunciate in shared meeting spaces
    • Be cognizant of talking over others and side conversations
    • Follow up with remote attendees with any conversations once the virtual meeting has ended
    • Consider utilizing Microsoft Teams for collaboration and communication to keep everyone up to speed

Collaborating Remotely

  • Saving files to SharePoint and OneDrive ensures security, while also allowing documents to be accessed in a collaborative space
  • Microsoft Teams can be utilized in many ways for collaboration:
    • Chat with an individual or group promotes connection
    • Creating a Team for your Department can keep your whole team connected and sharing information
    • Adding Microsoft Lists or To Do to your Team can assist with assigning tasks, planning projects, or organizing events within your team
  • Remember to make meetings virtual with the option of meeting in a collaborative space that can accommodate the virtual attendees

Remote Employee Support

  • IT, Facilities, and other Employee support services can be requested through the WesternU Support site
  • All support departments are available via telephone
  • Employee resources, training, time card, benefit, and payroll information can all be accessed remotely through the University Portal


Employee Acknowledgment


Additional Training



Article ID: 134232
Fri 7/16/21 4:11 PM
Fri 5/19/23 5:50 PM